
General information

What is cell juice of a fir tree?

Cellular sap of Siberian fir is one of the important components of SibXP®Complex. It is 100% natural intracellular juice of fir needles. It was obtained with the help of carbon dioxide extraction of fresh fir-tree greenery, which allowed the extraction of all the useful substances of this plant in an unchanged form without using high temperatures and organic solvents.


Polyprenols and their role in the life of people

Polyprenols are the most important group of unique natural bioregulators obtained from the greenery of Siberian fir. They were prepared due to knowledge of previous generations and to advanced studies. Polyprenols are the main secret of Siberian fir and one of the most important biologically active substances contained in fir needles. For man, polyprenols are the only source of important molecules - dolichols responsible for many physiological processes in the body. In Russia, polyprenols are on the list of vital components for the human body along with vitamins, trace elements and other substances.